Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the “GDPR”)


Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the “GDPR”)

This privacy policy describes the processing of personal data relating to users and visitors (jointly, the “Users”) of the website (the “Website”).


The data controller is the company Tessitura Toscana Telerie, with registered office in Via G. Pastore 46, 50019, Sesto (FI) - P.Iva / C.F. IT01780380489 (hereinafter, “TTT”, the “Data Controller” or the “Company”).


2.1 Personal data provided by Users

The Data Controller may process the personal data of Users of the Website, such as:

(i)            personal details, such as name and surname;

(ii)           contact data such as e-mail and/or company e-mail address, telephone number and residence.

Such personal data are collected through the Website and are provided by Users through any communications or e-mails sent directly to the Data Controller or through the “Contact Us” and “Newsletter” sections of the Website.

The content of communications received, including any personal data they may contain, will be processed for the purpose of answering any questions and following up on requests received.

Users are requested to provide TTT with up-to-date and relevant data, limited to what is necessary in connection with the purposes they are shared for.

2.2 Browsing data and cookies

The Data Controller may collect the personal data of Users of the Website in the following ways:

(i)            through Users’ browsing on the Website;

(ii)           through cookies installed on the Website, for the purposes and in the manner indicated in the cookie policy available at the following link cookie-policy.


The personal data acquired through browsing may consist, in particular, of information relating to the devices with which Users connect to the Website, IP address, log data, information on the browser used by the User, pages visited, date, time and duration of each visit, as well as other parameters relating to the User’s operating system and computer environment, etc. (the “Browsing Data”).

In particular, during your browsing session on the Website, we may record the start and end timestamps, the duration of your visit, the web pages visited and the sequence of web pages visited (clickstream). We may also track Users’ interactions with the Website, such as clicks made and mouse positioning, scrolling, interactions with web page elements, forms filled out and submitted, videos viewed and media interactions, and time spent on each web page. We may also keep track of referral and traffic source data, including referring sites (referrals), search engines used, search keywords, and referring advertising or email campaigns.

To better understand Users’ behaviour, we may also analyse the frequency of visits, the entry and exit pages, the bounce rate, and the conversion paths and sales funnels. In addition, we may collect location data such as country, region, city, and time zone. We may evaluate Users’ engagement through the number of page views, customised events (e.g. file downloads, additions to cart), conversions and transactions. To improve the service, we may collect feedback through reviews and ratings, responses to surveys and questionnaires.

Finally, we may monitor Users’ interactions on social media, including shares and likes, comments and interactions with social plugins. In addition, we may analyse Website accessibility and performance data, such as page load speed, Website errors and crashes, and any accessibility issues.

This information, collected depending on the context and the consent given, will allow us to offer a better service and to personalise the User experience, as well as to carry out analytical activities to continuously improve our Website.

The personal data collected through cookies are those strictly necessary to achieve the purposes set out in the cookie policy referred to in roman (ii) above (the “Cookie Data”).


Personal Data provided by Users, Browsing Data and Cookie Data (hereinafter jointly referred to as “Data”) will be processed for the following purposes:

3.1 Follow-up of User requests and registration on the Website

The Data shall be processed in order to answer and follow up on the requests that Users send to the Company through the e-mail address and the contact details present within the various sections of the Website and to allow the User to create his/her account on the Website.

The legal basis for this processing is the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject and the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in pursuing its business activities and following up on Users’ requests.

This legitimate interest has been duly balanced against the reasonable expectations of the data subjects and it has been deemed to prevail, since it does not prejudice the rights of the data subjects concerned and the processing of the Data is carried out at the request of the User.

The provision of Data for the above-mentioned purposes is necessary for the proper management and execution of the User’s requests. Any partial or total refusal to provide Data for such purposes will make it impossible for the Data Controller to fulfil such requests.

3.2 Subscription to the newsletter service

The Data provided by the Users are processed for the sole purpose of sending the TTT newsletter and to allow them to benefit from this service and to receive commercial offers, promotions and information communications on the Company’s services, including possible invitations to events and/or meetings organised.

Such processing finds its legal basis in the consent of the data subject. 

  • Users may revoke the consent given and cancel their subscription to the newsletter at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link, entering their e-mail address in the form on the page and clicking on the “unsubscribe” button. Alternatively, Users may send a specific communication to the Data Controller, at the addresses indicated in the “Users rights and contact details” section, expressing their intention to unsubscribe from the newsletter and to cancel the data collected by the Data Controller. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing already carried out.

The provision of Data is optional. Refusal to provide the Data will result in the impossibility to use the newsletter service.

3.3 Proper operation and maintenance of the Site

The Data will also be processed in order to monitor the proper functioning of the Website and allow the Data Controller to make changes and improvements to it, as well as to resolve any operational problems.

The Data are automatically provided by connecting to the Website and any partial or total refusal to provide Data for such purposes will make it impossible for the Data Controller to properly manage the operation and maintenance of the Site.

3.4 Exercising TTT rights (legal protection)

The Data shall be processed specifically to allow the Data Controller to protect its rights and interests in and out of court in the event that unlawful activities are carried out on and/or through the Website. The legal basis of the processing is the Data Controller’s legitimate interest in the protection of its rights; a legitimate interest that does not violate and does not prejudice the rights and freedoms of the data subjects insofar as the processing is necessary for the exercise of the right of defence that is constitutionally guaranteed.

The provision of Data for this purpose is necessary to enable the Data Controller to defend itself in court.


The Data will be processed using manual and computerized tools and will be communicated and may be known (i) by employees and collaborators of the Data Controller, duly instructed and designated to the data processing and to whom TTT has given detailed instructions, with particular regard to the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational security measures; (ii) by third parties who, as the case may be, will act as data controllers or data processors duly appointed, and who provide ancillary or instrumental services to the activities of the Data Controller, in relation, for example, to the development, supply and operational maintenance of the Website and (iii) external parties acting as autonomous data controllers such as, by way of example, Authorities and supervisory and control bodies and, in general, to parties - including private parties - entitled to request such Data (such as, for example, accounting consultants, legal consultants), Public Authorities who expressly request such Data for administrative or institutional purposes, in accordance with the provisions of applicable national and European regulations.

The full list of recipients of the Data is available upon request, to be sent to the addresses listed in Section 7 below.


The Data collected and processed by TTT, for the purposes set out in section 3 above, may be stored for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of the processing and, in particular:

                     i.            Purpose 3.1: in the case of sharing information through the contacts available on the Website, for a period of 12 months from the last contact [LCA 1] and, in any case, where applicable, for the entire duration of the contractual relationship that may have been established and consequent to the registration of a user on the Website, as well as for the time necessary to (i) comply with regulatory and/or legal obligations provided for and (ii) ensure the judicial protection of the Data Controller’s rights, in compliance with the applicable statute of limitations.

                   ii.            Purpose 3.2: the Data collected will be retained for a maximum period of 24 months[LCA 2]  from your subscription to TTT’s newsletter. With one month’s notice, we will ask you whether you wish to continue receiving the newsletter: in the event of refusal, the Data provided will be deleted; in the event of consent, it will be retained and processed for a further period of 24 months.

                  iii.            Purpose 3.3: in the case of the processing of Data for the proper maintenance and operation of the Website, the Data shall be retained for as long as it is necessary to resolve any bugs and malfunctions of the Website, as well as for as long as required by the legal regulations TTT must comply with.

                  iv.            Purpose 3.4: in the event of judicial protection of the Data Controller, and in particular in the event of legal disputes, for a period equal to the duration of such disputes, until the time limits for appeals are reached.


The Data Controller will not carry out transfers outside the European Union; Data will be processed at the Data Controller’s premises and Data will be stored on servers and/or archives both within the European Union and, where applicable, in third countries in respect of which an adequacy decision has been adopted by the European Commission and which therefore provide adequate guarantees for the protection of personal data.

In the case of Data transfers outside the European Union to countries in respect of which no adequacy decision has been adopted by the European Commission, the Data Controller will adopt the appropriate safeguards set out in Article 46 of the GDPR, and specifically the Standard Clauses adopted by the European Commission.


Users, as data subjects (i.e., subjects to whom the Data refer), are holders of the rights conferred by the GDPR. In particular, pursuant to Articles 15-22 of the GDPR, Data Subjects have the right to request and obtain, at any time, access to their personal data, information on the processing carried out, rectification and/or updating of personal data, erasure and restriction of processing. Moreover, they also have the right to object to the processing and to request data portability (i.e. to receive their personal data in a structured, machine-readable, commonly used format). Finally, data subjects always have the right to revoke their consent at any time (this, in any case, will not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out on the basis of consent given before revocation) and to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority (in Italy: Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali).

Requests concerning the exercise of the above rights should be addressed to the following addresses:

·         by mail, to Tessitura Toscana Telerie, Via G. Pastore 46, 50019, Sesto (FI); or

·         to the e-mail address  [].

To the same addresses indicated above, Users may also send requests concerning the recipients of the Data, as well as requests for clarifications concerning this privacy policy.


This privacy policy relating to the processing of personal data relates exclusively to the Data collected through the Website and with reference to the purposes identified in section 3 and, therefore, is not and shall not be deemed applicable to other websites consulted and/or consulted through links and/or widgets (e.g. social networks): such other websites shall process any Data collected as autonomous data controllers and in accordance with their respective privacy policies, the consultation of which by Users is expressly recommended.

This information notice may be subject to change over time - also in connection with the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating and/or provision of new services or technological innovations - so we invite the User to periodically consult this page.



Information updated on [08/08/2024].