Decorative pillows for home furnishing: colored, in many prints and sizes

  • Decorative pillows for home furnishing: colored, in many prints and sizes

    The Decor Accessories collection by Tessitura Toscana Telerie includes a wide range of decorating pillow covers ready to unleash your creativity.

Made in 100% linen, these products are printed with the most advanced digital technology to create a perfect reproduction of the design and all its color shades. Thus, details that bring the various scenes to life from the precious hand-drawn boards remain unchanged.

Besides the festive and refined Christmas pillows – the undisputed star around this time, also as a gift idea – many other products are strikingly adaptable to any taste. Whether indoors, like throw pillows for sofas or beds, or outdoors on the patio or by the pool, special pillows from Tessitura Toscana Telerie add a touch of class both in a city apartment and in vacation homes by the sea, in the mountains, and the countryside.

Have fun discovering all the items in the collection; whether original or classic, they all share a refinement that expresses a special way of experiencing the home. Next to new items in the Fall/Winter collection – with game motifs (Norma), Liberty-style decorations (Bohème), flower designs in warm tones (Semiramide) – you will find galloping horses (Sultana), elephants on parade (Angkor), modern, ethnic-inspired geometries (Sajio) and funny imagery (Best friends, La strana coppia, Noblesse oblige).

Plus, cheerful items with prickly pears (Mediterraneo), colorful succulents (Kactus), multi-colored flamingos (Flamingo) and exotic camels (Souk); underwater landscapes (Tortuga, Belize, La Mer) and rare shells (Cyprea); flowers (Ibisco) and quintessential Mediterranean fruits such as olives and lemons (Limoncello, Aida). Other 100% linen solid-color items in an awe-inspiring color palette complement the magnificent collection of decorative pillows.
In two sizes, 55x55cm and 40x60cm, you can purchase just the pillow covers or a complete pillow set.

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